Stay Fit With Our Wellness Program

In addition to assistance with daily activities, our wellness program promotes healthy aging in body and mind. Caring staff leads exercise classes, games, music therapy, and other stimulating activities.

Laundry and Housekeeping Service

Chores are taken care of so you can spend your leisure time as you choose. Cleaning staff clean each apartment while laundry services keep clothes and linens fresh. These supportive services lessen the day-to-day burdens some seniors struggle with.

Delicious Meals Freshly Made

Our executive chefs prepare delicious and balanced meals from scratch every day. Dietary needs and preferences are happily accommodated.

Transportation for Shopping and Fun

We provide door-to-door transportation for outings around town in our comfortable minibus. Residents look forward to these excursions for fresh air and fun.

Around-the-Clock Support

Knowing assistance is always on hand gives our residents and their families peace of mind. Staff is on duty day and night should any need arise. We provide varying levels of care depending on the individual, from occasional reminders to complete personal care.

Calendar of Scheduled Activities

Outings to concerts, plays, and local sites of interest are scheduled regularly to explore the region. Through shared experiences with others in our Cedar Rapids senior living community, new social bonds and memories are formed.

Book a Private Tour of Assisted Living in Cedar Rapids

We hope you will visit our assisted living community in Cedar Rapids soon. Please contact us today to schedule a personal tour of our Prairie Hills assisted living in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

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